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Week 4 Critical Response Assignment

Week 4 Critical Response Assignment

Q ASSIGNMENT: Write a critique of one piece of artwork from ArtStor Digital Library (a Levin Library Resource). • Insert an image of your choice from ArtStor o What is ArtStor? It’s a Levin Library Database. o How do I figure out how to get the image? Go to our Canvas site “Library Resources.” • Include the artist's name and the title of the piece • Apply our Critical Response Format (Included below and in the rubric) • Each step of the process will be at least 1 paragraph in your critique • Use the headings: Step 1, Step 2, etc. DUE: Friday, 2/26 before midnight. Upload here on Canvas (pdf, doc, dox, jpg, png) FA 1000 CRITICAL RESPONSE FORMAT Below is our format – developed from class discussion. Use this as your recipe for critiquing a piece of art. STEP 1: What do you see? • This is the "Balcony View." • Take 10 steps back. • What stands out? • What's obvious? STEP 2: Discuss the Principals of Design & Elements of Visual Art: • Specifically focus on those that support your comments from step 1. STEP 3: Discuss Artist Intent and/or Context: • Artist Intent - Did you research what the artist was trying to do in this work? • Context - Is there any important historical or cultural info? What was going on when this artist made the work? STEP 4: How it makes you feel/aesthetics: • Include any sensory perceptions or emotions. Also, feel free to include your own opinions here. Rubric Critical Response Assignment Critical Response Assignment Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIMAGE Include an ArtStore image with the name of the artist/s and the title of the artwork. 10 pts Meets Expectations 6 pts Partially Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSTEP 1 State what you notice about this artwork. This is the "Balcony View." Take 10 steps back. What stands out? What's obvious? 20 pts Meets Expectations 12 pts Partially Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSTEP 2 Discuss the Principals of Design & Elements of Visual Art: Specifically focus on those that support your comments from step 1. 20 pts Meets Expectations 12 pts Partially Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSTEP 3 Discuss Artist Intent and/or Context: Artist Intent - Did you research what the artist was trying to do in this work? Context - Is there any important historical or cultural info? What was going on when this artist made the work? 20 pts Meets Expectations 12 pts Partially Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSTEP 4 How it makes you feel/aesthetics: Include any sensory perceptions or emotions. Also, feel free to include your own opinions here. 20 pts Meets Expectations 12 pts Partially Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEDIT Edit your work for grammar, capitalization, spelling, punctuation. Include headings "Step 1, Step 2," etc. 10 pts Meets Expectations 6 pts Partially Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 10 pts Total Points: 100

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Step 1: The name of this painting is called, “The Village Lighthouse” by Thomas Kinkade, it was created in 2002. As I look at this painting, there are many things that stand out. The light in the picture and how it reflects off the water. The cottages nestled along the shore, the people, the warmth glowing from their homes. As I take 10 steps back, I feel the urgency of the people, like there is a storm coming and they need to prepare. I also see smoke coming from the chimneys, people gathering along the shore, and the sun setting on the ocean. I notice how the sky and the ocean meet and go on forever. Most importantly, I notice that light is a dominant theme.